Как убрать расстояние между ячейками таблицы html. Как убрать промежуток между рамками ячеек

13 years ago

A little gotcha to watch out for:

If you turn off RegisterGlobals and related, then use get_defined_vars(), you may see something like the following:

[ GLOBALS ] => Array
[ GLOBALS ] => Array
[ _POST ] => Array()
[ _GET ] => Array()
[ _COOKIE ] => Array()
[ _FILES ] => Array()

[ _POST ] => Array()
[ _GET ] => Array()
[ _COOKIE ] => Array()
[ _FILES ] => Array()


Notice that $_SERVER isn"t there. It seems that php only loads the superglobal $_SERVER if it is used somewhere. You could do this:

print "

)) .
" ;
print "
)) .
" ;

And then $_SERVER will appear in both lists. I guess it"s not really a gotcha, because nothing bad will happen either way, but it"s an interesting curiosity nonetheless.

6 years ago

Since get_defined_vars() only gets the variables at the point you call the function, there is a simple way to get the variables defined within the current scope.

// The very top of your php script
$vars = get_defined_vars ();

// Now do your stuff
$foo = "foo" ;
$bar = "bar" ;

// Get all the variables defined in current scope
$vars = array_diff (get_defined_vars (), $vars );

echo "

print_r ($vars );
echo "
" ;

15 years ago

Here is a function which generates a debug report for display or email
using get_defined_vars. Great for getting a detailed snapshot without
relying on user input.

function generateDebugReport ($method , $defined_vars , $email = "undefined" ){
// Function to create a debug report to display or email.
// Usage: generateDebugReport(method,get_defined_vars(),email);
// Where method is "browser" or "email".

// Create an ignore list for keys returned by "get_defined_vars".
// For example, HTTP_POST_VARS, HTTP_GET_VARS and others are
// redundant (same as _POST, _GET)
// Also include vars you want ignored for security reasons - i.e. PHPSESSID.
$ignorelist =array("HTTP_POST_VARS" , "HTTP_GET_VARS" ,

$timestamp = date ("m/d/y h:m:s" );
$message = "Debug report created $timestamp \n" ;

// Get the last SQL error for good measure, where $link is the resource identifier
// for mysql_connect. Comment out or modify for your database or abstraction setup.
global $link ;
$sql_error = mysql_error ($link );
if($sql_error ){
$message .= "\nMysql Messages:\n" . mysql_error ($link );
// End MySQL

// Could use a recursive function here. You get the idea ;-)
foreach($defined_vars as $key => $val ){
if(is_array ($val ) && ! in_array ($key , $ignorelist ) && count ($val ) > 0 ){
$message .= "\n $key array (key=value):\n" ;
foreach($val as $subkey => $subval ){
if(! in_array ($subkey , $ignorelist ) && ! is_array ($subval )){
$message .= $subkey . " = " . $subval . "\n" ;
elseif(! in_array ($subkey , $ignorelist ) && is_array ($subval )){
foreach($subval as $subsubkey => $subsubval ){
if(! in_array ($subsubkey , $ignorelist )){
$message .= $subsubkey . " = " . $subsubval . "\n" ;
is_array ($val ) && ! in_array ($key , $ignorelist ) && $val ){
$message .= "\nVariable " . $key . " = " . $val . "\n" ;

If($method == "browser" ){
echo nl2br ($message );
elseif($method == "email" ){
if($email == "undefined" ){
$email = $_SERVER [ "SERVER_ADMIN" ];

$mresult = mail ($email , "Debug Report for " . $_ENV [ "HOSTNAME" ]. "" , $message );
if($mresult == 1 ){
echo "Debug Report sent successfully.\n" ;
echo "Failed to send Debug Report.\n" ;

17 years ago

Simple routine to convert a get_defined_vars object to XML.

function obj2xml ($v , $indent = "" ) {
while (list($key , $val ) = each ($v )) {
if ($key == "__attr" ) continue;
// Check for __attr
if (is_object ($val -> __attr )) {
while (list($key2 , $val2 ) = each ($val -> __attr )) {
$attr .= " $key2 =\" $val2 \"" ;
else $attr = "" ;
if (is_array ($val ) || is_object ($val )) {
print(" $indent < $key$attr >\n" );
obj2xml ($val , $indent . " " );
print(" $indent \n" );
else print(" $indent < $key$attr > $val \n" );

//Example object
$x -> name -> first = "John" ;
$x -> name -> last = "Smith" ;
$x -> arr [ "Fruit" ] = "Bannana" ;
$x -> arr [ "Veg" ] = "Carrot" ;
$y -> customer = $x ;
$y -> customer -> __attr -> id = "176C4" ;

$z = get_defined_vars ();
obj2xml ($z [ "y" ]);
will output:



11 years ago

As a note, get_defined_vars() does not return a set of variable references (as I hoped). For example:

// define a variable
$my_var = "foo" ;

// get our list of defined variables
$defined_vars = get_defined_vars ();

// now try to change the value through the returned array
$defined_vars [ "my_var" ] = "bar" ;

echo $my_var , "\n" ;


will output "foo" (the original value). It"d be nice if get_defined_vars() had an optional argument to make them references, but I imagine its a rather specialized request. You can do it yourself (less conveniently) with something like:

$defined_vars = array();
$var_names = array_keys (get_defined_vars ());

foreach ($var_names as $var_name )
$defined_vars [ $var_name ] =& $ $var_name ;


1 year ago

I posted here before about "this" being in get_defined_vars.

It turns out it"s not always there but in certain cases it will inexplicably appear.

Php -r "
class Test {
public function a() {var_dump(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));$a = 123;}
public function b() {var_dump(array_keys(get_defined_vars()));$this;}
$t = new Test();


This does not happen in PHP 7.2 but will happen in PHP 5.6.

1 year ago

Some comments here point out that this function wont return references. It does however return names and names are "references".

I would not recommend the suggestions here that convert it to references.

Public function x($a, $b, $c) {
foreach(array_keys(get_defined_vars()) as $key)
if($key !== "this")

Public function y(&$input) {

Instead of ${} you can also use $$.

I have done some whacky things in my time to make extremely generic code but I"ve never had to do anything like the above. It might not even work (but should since it"s no different to $a[$key]).

You could also do $$key++ but I"ve never seen code like that which wasn"t horrifically bad (using dynamic where dynamic isn"t beneficial).

If you"re doing something like that then give it additional scrutiny.