Хирургия add php htm. Htmlspecialchars - Преобразует специальные символы в HTML-сущности. Случайный текст по умолчанию в поле контента в админке

This will, however, affect the HTML Code Coloring option in most HTML/PHP editors, which allows for easy understanding of the role of HTML tags. You should escape each double quote within the HTML code with a backslash.

PHP in HTML - file extensions

When a given file contains PHP code, it must have a PHP extension. In most cases this is .php, but you can also configure the .htaccess file to read the PHP code in the HTML file without renaming it or changing its extension. Below you can view the "handlers", which will have to be added in order to achieve this

For a normally configured web server: AddHandler cgi-script .html .htm A web server running FastCGI: AddHandler fcgid-script .html .htm Note: this is tested and works with the NTC web hosting servers. If you are using a different hosting provider, consult them for assistance. Additionally, if you are faced with constant problems there, you can consider switching to NTC Hosting in order to get the PHP optimized stable servers you need. HTML in PHP

You can also use HTML code in a PHP script . This can be very useful if you have built your whole page in PHP, but want to include a custom HTML form, for example. All that you need to do is reverse the order of the HTML and PHP opening tags, opening the page with PHP:

Using HTML in PHP:

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